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L'adaptation ecophysiologique et sanitaire de l'ecrevisse turque Astacus leptodactylus a des milieux saumatres: Contribution a l'astaciculture ArchiMer
Barbe, D; Lautier, J; Vernet, G; Vey, A.
This influence of salt media on different aspects of biological cycle and on most common pathogenic agents of Turkish freshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus is investigated survival and growing of juveniles O super(+) and intermediary individuals 1 super(+) are also studied. Total osmotic metabolism and reproduction, have been recorded. It appears that youngest individuals are particularly sensitive to low salinities (7 ppt.). Intermediary ones are more resistant nevertheless salinity does not improve neither survival nor growing. Copulation, laying and pleopod egg fixation are particularly affected by salt waters. The only promising application of salinity parameter on astaciculture could be whether prophylactic or curative treatment with concentrated...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Astacus leptodactylus; Malacostraca; Infectious diseases; Sexual reproduction; Growth; Mortality; Survival; Osmotic adaptations; Crayfish culture; Pathology; Metabolism; Salinity; Ecophysiology; Astaciculture; Régulation osmotique; Reproduction; Survie; Croissance; Pathologie; Ecophysiologie; Salinité; Astacus leptodactylus; Ecrevisse.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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L'aquaculture des crevettes, role de la nutrition ArchiMer
Guillaume, Julien.
Shrimp and prawn aquaculture is developing fast and amounts presently to 8% of world consumption. It concerns mainly various species of penaeids and is done with different techniques where feeding plays a variable role. This role is discussed both in the case of more or less extensive farming and in the case of intensive farming. The lack of knowledge in the field of nutrition itself is emphasized as well as the importance of feed technology both for juvenile foods and larval microcapsules or microparticles.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeidae; Malacostraca; Artificial feeding; Nutritional requirements; Feeding; Animal nutrition.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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L'aquaculture du Macrobrachium rosenbergii aux Antilles Francaises ArchiMer
Lacroix, Denis.
The aquaculture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii is launched in Martinigue by the regional council in 1976. A first "green water" type hatchery is built and provides juveniles to the first ponds. In 1978, CNEXO is asked to cooperate in scientific assistance. A new hatchery is built with COP "clear water" system and produces in 1980. The development of ponds (20 ha) needs the increase of the hatcheries capacity, which is now done with one single method and intensive larval first stage (7-8 millions PL. cap). In Guadeloupe, the first ponds started in 1978. Two cooperatives and 11 ha of ponds at this time have determined the construction of CNEXO in the construction of a regional hatchery. A small light one is already under production since July 83.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Macrobrachium rosenbergii; Malacostraca; Growth; Hatcheries; Aquaculture systems; Aquaculture development; Guadeloupe; Production Martinique; Grossissement; Écloserie; Macrobrachium.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Les ages de Niphargus virei (crustace, stygobie) ArchiMer
Turouin-buffiere, M.
The life-span of Niphargus virei is estimated with the length histograms of annual summer samples; it fits in with the data of rare spring distributions and with the growth observed in the laboratory. Increase in body wet weight confirms the low growth rate of this species (maximum: 0.06 mg/day); the mean age of populations changes on account of rainfall, which determines the drift of part of the population out of its natural habitat.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Niphargus virei; Malacostraca; Mortality; Body size; Longevity; Growth.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Les cellules folliculaires secondaires de la crevette Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Decapoda, Palaemonidae): Mise en evidence d'un reseau tubulaire implique dans les echanges entre l'hemolymphe et l'ovocyte ArchiMer
Meuzy, J; Jugan, P; Zerbib, C.
The epithelial cells of the ovary secondary follicles have been studied in the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii using electron microscope and horseradish peroxidase. A network of circomvolutioned and anastomosed tubules, measuring about 0.15 mu m in diameter, communicates with the extracellular space. This tubular network is a temporary structure which extensively increases the permeability of the follicular epithelium.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Macrobrachium rosenbergii; Malacostraca; Ultrastructure; Oogenesis; Morphogenesis; Epithelia; Ovaries; Vitellogénine; Réseau tubulaire; Epithelium folliculaire; Vitellogenèse; Macrobrachium rosenbergii.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Lipid requirements of shrimp ArchiMer
Abramo D', L.
A review of lipid requirements of shrimp and other crustacean species, when applicable, is presented. Qualitative requirements of crustaceans for cholesterol, fatty acids and phospholipids have been documented, but quantitative requirements generally remain undefined. Potential interrelationships between different classes of lipids that may influence requirements as well as differences due to age and species need to be investigated. A more accurate definition of lipid requirements can be achieved by supporting traditional evaluations based upon weight gain and survival with biochemical or histological evidence.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Malacostraca; Biochemical analysis; Nutrients (mineral); Growth; Survival; Cholesterol; Fatty acids; Lipids.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Mineral requirement of Penaeids ArchiMer
Piedad-pascual, F.
Marine shrimps absorb minerals from their aquatic environment aside from the minerals that come from the food they eat. Thus, the dietary requirement of shrimps for certain minerals will depend on the amounts and availability of these minerals in the aquatic environment. Dietary sources for growth may be necessary due to losses during moltings.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus californiensis; Penaeus monodon; Penaeus japonicus; Penaeidae; Malacostraca; Juveniles; Moulting; Feed efficiency; Survival; Growth; Phosphorus; Calcium; Diets; Shrimp culture; Nutritional requirements.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Mise en place de l'epicuticule chez le crabe Carcinus maenas ArchiMer
Compere, P.
The epicuticle of the crab Carcinus maenas consists in three distinct layers: the fibrous surface coat, the cuticulin layer and the inner epicuticle. Short segments of the cuticulin layer are first deposited at the top of dense plaques of the ectodermal cell membrane. Their assembling gives rise to a five-layered continuous structure of about 37 nm thick. Afterwards, the inner epicuticle is added inside close to the cuticulin layer but dense plaques are not concerned with the phenomenon. The deposition of the fibrous surface coat outside to the cuticulin layer takes place only during late postmolt stages (D2-D3). In mineralized cuticles, this typical epicuticle structure persists during all intermolt long.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carcinus maenas; Malacostraca; Morphogenesis.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Morphogenese sexuelle et regulation hormonale de l'activite genitale chez la crevette Penaeus japonicus en elevage ArchiMer
Laubier, A; Chim, Liet; Payen, G.
A study of the sexual physiology of penaeid prawns essentially based upon Penaeus japonicus is performed in both descriptive and experimental ways, using the controlled rearings conducted at the Centre Oceanologique de Bretagne (CNEXO-COB), Brest. Sexual morphogenesis is described. This preliminary study enables definition of simple criteria for determination of the stage of genital development of the prawns during their growth. The neuroendocrine control of the genital system development is studied, using eyestalks ablations and male eyestalks extracts injection in prawns belonging to the same sex. A biochemical criterion as a test of the effect of eyestalks extract injections on the genital system development is discussed. The evolution of the specific...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus japonicus; Malacostraca; Controlled conditions; Neurosecretion; Cytochemistry; Ultrastructure; Sexual reproduction; Sexual maturity; Sexual dimorphism; Endocrinology; Eyestalk extirpation; Gametogenesis; Sex determination; Morphogenesis; Contrôle neuroendocrine de la reproduction; Morphogénèse sexuelle; Physiologie sexuelle; Élevage contrôlé; Penaeus japonicus.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Organisation, sclerotisation et composition minerale des sclerites d''une espece d'isopode marin et de quatre especes d'isopodes terrestres oniscoides ArchiMer
Ansenne, A; Compere, P; Goffinet, G.
The mineralized tergite cuticle of four terrestrial isopods (Oniscoidea) (Ligia oceanica, Oniscus asellus, Porcellio scaber and Armadillidium vulgare ) and of the marine isopod Sphaeroma serratum shows a general organization comparable to the fundamental plan of the decapod sclerite cuticle. Moreover, as in decapods, the procuticular layers are not tanned and mineralization rates, from 60 to 80% of the total cuticular dry weight, are of the same importance. However, the chitin protein microfibril distribution according to a homogeneous system in the mineralized procuticular proximal layer in all isopod species so far studied does not allow any comparison of this layer with the non-mineralized membranous layer.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sphaeroma serratum; Armadillidium vulgare; Porcellio scaber; Oniscus asellus; Ligia oceanica; Isopoda; Malacostraca; Comparative studies; Mineralization.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Palaeo- and archaeostomatopods (Hoplocarida, Crustacea) from the Bear Gulch Limestone, Mississippian (Namurian), of central Montana Naturalis
Jenner, Ronald A.; Hof, Cees H.J.; Schram, Frederick R..
The palaeostomatopod crustacean Bairdops beargulchensis Schram & Horner, 1978 (Malacostraca, Hoplocarida) from the Mississippian Bear Gulch Limestone is now seen as a taxonomic composite that arose from the confusion of specimens of two distinct hoplocarid species. These species are herein described as the palaeostomatopod Bairdops beargulchensis Schram & Horner, 1978 and a new species of archaeostomatopod, Tyrannophontes acanthocercus. quite distinct from the Pennsylvanian archaeostomatopod Tyrannophontes acanthocercus is T. theridion from the Essex fauna (Mazon Creek), with which it was originally compared. Bairdops beargulchensis is very similar to the Mississippian palaeostomatopod, B. elegans, from the Scottish Glencartholm fauna. A previously...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Malacostraca; Hoplocarida; Stomatopoda; Phylogeny; Bear Gulch.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Progression de l'organisation phragmale du metamere thoracique de quelques malacostraces ArchiMer
Casanova, B; Huguet, D; Secretan, S.
A comparison of the skeleton of a successive thoracic segment in various Malacostraca shows the development and growing complexity of phragmal structure. It first appears in some Mysicacea and in Euphausiacea by means of an interarthrodial lamina issued from sternite. In Decapoda, Penaidae, Atyidae, Processidae, Palaemonidae, this lamina is diversified and some elements from pleural origin join it. The beginning of the so constituted wall considerably increases in Nephropidae and becomes ramified.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nephropidae; Palaemonidae; Processidae; Atyidae; Penaeidae; Decapoda; Euphausiidae; Mysidacea; Malacostraca; Evolution.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Protein requirements of Penaeid shrimp. ArchiMer
Kanazawa, A.
Proteins are indispensable nutrients for growth and maintenance of live of all animals. The optimum protein levels in diets for shrimps are different among the various species. Squid meal is an effective protein source for many penaeids. The effects of dietary protein, lipid, and carbohydrate levels on the growth and survival of larvae of Penaeus japonicus were examined by feeding trials using purified diet with carrageenan as a binder. As a result, the effects of protein levels on growth and survival of P. japonicus larvae varied with dietary carbohydrate levels but not dietary lipid levels.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus japonicus; Malacostraca; Marine crustaceans; Amino acids; Larvae; Survival; Carbohydrates; Diets; Nutritional requirements; Proteins; Growth.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Quelques aspects de la regulation du systeme neuroendocrine produisant la CHH et de la relation entre le rythme circadien et la glycemie ArchiMer
Kallen, J.
In crayfish, the hemolymph glucose level shows an endogenous circadian rhythmicity which is expressed by a nocturnal glucose rise. This study shows that injections of serotonin and dopamine result in hyperglycemia and that injections of met-enkephalin decrease hemolymph glucose level as well as the nocturnal circadian glucose peak. Using immunocytochemistry, these neurotransmitters have been located in the eyestalk and their relationship with the CHH cell system is described.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Orconectes limosus; Astacus leptodactylus; Malacostraca; Cytochemistry; Hormones; Neurotransmitters; Circadian rhythms; Glucose.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Recent advances in Australian prawns diseases and pathology ArchiMer
Owens, L; Hall, M.
Disease is always limiting in animal production and new syndromes occur in fledgling industries. This paper describes the latest findings in this area.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vibrio damsela; Macrobrachium rosenbergii; Malacostraca; Bacteria; Septicaemia; Aetiology; Viruses; Juveniles; Ovaries; Larvae; Pathology; Viral diseases.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Structures adaptatives a la filtration des aliments chez le crabe des sables, Scopimera gordonae ArchiMer
Bauchau, A.
In the sand crab, Scopimera gordonae the buccal appendages are adapted to an efficient mobilization and washing of the sand in order to collect the nutritive elements. These observations confirm the role of Scopimera gordonae in the recycling of the organic material associated with the sand particles.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Malacostraca; Adaptations; Functional morphology; Mouth parts; Ecophysiology.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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The nutritional requirements of the Japanese shrimp Penaeus japonicus ArchiMer
Guillaume, Julien.
Penaeus japonicus is probably the best known species among penaeids or even among shrimps. In juveniles, the protein requirement was best studied and Japanese shrimp appears as the most demanding penaeid species. They may be related to several factors such as energy level of the diet, digestibility or biological value of protein or other nutritional factors. The essential amino acids are well known, however from a quantitative point of view the requirements in each of these amino acids remain to be determined.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus japonicus; Malacostraca; Shrimp culture; Glucosamine; Carbohydrates; Feeding; Cholesterol; Fatty acids; Amino acids; Nutritive value; Digestibility; Proteins; Diets; Juveniles.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Variabilite genetique de quelques especes de crevettes Peneides d'interet aquacole ArchiMer
Ko, G; Pasteur, N; Bonhomme, Francois; Liao, D.
Thirteen populations belonging to seven species of Penaeid prawns (Crustacea, Decapoda) were analyzed at 29 protein loci. The authors show that both inter and intrapopulational genetic diversity are very low. These results are discussed in view of their use as guidance for aquaculture programs.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus kerathurus; Penaeus orientalis; Penaeus indicus; Penaeus monodon; Penaeus stylirostris; Penaeus japonicus; Penaeidae; Malacostraca; Prawn culture; Aquaculture development; Sexual reproduction; Biopolymorphism; Population genetics; Polymorphisme enzymatique; Variabilité génétique; Crevettes Pénaeides; Crustacés.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Variations des activites digestives en fonction des facteurs du milieu chez les crustaces ArchiMer
Galgani, Francois; Benyamin, Y; Vanworhmoudt, A; Cecaldi, J.
Proteolytic enzymes of hepatopancreas of six species of peneids (Penaeus kerathurus, P. japonicus, P. monodon, P. stylirostris, P. merguiensis and P. vannamei ) have been studied. Some of their physiological variations have been characterised. Increase in acclimation temperature of crustaceans enhances increase of specific activities of proteases. Variations of salinity does not modify specific activities, nor quantities of trypsin, nor electrophoretic patterns of these different proteases.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus kerathurus; Penaeidae; Malacostraca; Diets; Growth; Larval development; Life cycle; Acclimation; Environmental effects; Digestive glands; Enzymatic activity; Salinity effects; Temperature effects; Enzymes; Endocrinology; Digestion; Développement larvaire; Croissance; Cycle d'intermue; Carboxypeptidase A and B; Leucine aminopeptidase; Chymotrypsin; Trypsine; Enzymes digestives; Homarus ganmarus; Palaemon serratus; P. vannamei; P. merguiensis; P. stylirostris; P. monodon; P. japonicus; Penaeus keratkurus.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Vitamin requirements of juvenile penaeid shrimp ArchiMer
Conklin, D.
The results of supplementing crustacean feeds with vitamins are examined specifically from the standpoint of shrimp culture. Micro-nutrients selected for discussion include: water-soluble vitamins of the B-complex, choline and inositol, vitamin C and the fat-soluble group of vitamins: A, D, E and K. Ways in which utilization of vitamins and ultimately dietary demand are altered by physiological state, conditions of culture, as well as factors which impact on feed levels, are explored.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeidae; Malacostraca; Diets; Marine crustaceans; Nutrients (mineral); Nutritional requirements; Juveniles; Feed; Vitamins.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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